Monday, January 19, 2009

Federal Funding for Abstinance Education in Jeopardy

School boards across the nation may be forced to deal with this Abstinence-only police sooner rather than later:

Click here for the full article from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution:


Future of abstinence-only federal funding in limbo

New York —- With the exit of the Bush administration, critics of abstinence-only sex education will be making an aggressive push to cut off federal funding for what they consider an ineffective, sometimes harmful program.

How quickly and completely they reach their goal is uncertain, however, as conservative supporters of abstinence education lobby Congress and President-elect Barack Obama to preserve at least some of the funding, which now totals $176 million a year.

And even if federal funding is halted, some states —- such as Georgia —- are determined to keep abstinence programs going on their own, ensuring that this front in the culture wars will remain active.

Obama is considered an advocate of comprehensive sex education, which —- unlike abstinence-only curriculum —- includes advice to young people about using contraceptives if they do engage in sexual activity. However, Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to elaborate on what the new president would propose in his own budget plan.

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