Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Corporal Punishment

Sometimes I have a thought that comes right outta nowhere and hits me like a ton of bricks. Oftentimes I will examine such a concept, kinda turn it around in my head and examine it as I would a interesting seashell. I will often toss the idea as silly or unreasonable. But the following thought has stuck in my craw and keeps begging for attention.

I was at a educational leadership conference last week listening to a speech. The speaker mentioned the topic of corporal punishment (which was completely unrelated to the subject she was speaking about). When she spoke those two words, I could not concentrate on anything else.

The thought was, "We still have corporal punishment in our schools?" Then, a split second later that morphed into, "WE ALLOW OUR EMPLOYEES TO HIT OUR KIDS!"

I've looked at this issue from as many sides as I can and I just cannot seem to get past this conclusion: My beloved school system still has a policy that allows an adult to commit violence upon a child.

I can see no possible way to justify that statement. I know our schools have discipline problems. I know there are "problem children" (I was one of those when I was in school). I also know that committing a violent act upon a child that results in physical pain is untenable.

I've spoken to people who are in a position to do something about this. It will be addressed as soon as possible.

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