Sunday, November 9, 2008

So I was elected to the Board of Education

So I was elected. Now what?

I think I want my mommy, is what. I am about to embark on a four year journey of self discovery and leadership development. Do I have what it takes to do a good job? Can I do this job without alienating everyone I know? When proration hits our local school (and it will - soon), how do I know if the decisions I am forced to make are the right ones? Do I really have what it takes?

Honestly, yeah, I do have what it takes. This is going to be a tough job but I am going to do my damndest to make sure thet every decision I am asked to make is made on the basis of rational thought and evidence-based reasoning. I will depend heavily on the experience and intelligene of my constituants and ask them for their guidance wherever prudent.

I will never, ever lose sight of my sole reason for running for this position: To serve the children of the Florence City School system. I'm not here to serve the teachers nor the parents nor the administration. I'm here for the kids. Every single decision I make will be made with the goal of improving the education of our children.

I was always told that one can never fully know what to expect when running for office - especially a board of education spot. I have read books on the subject, asked advice from anyone that has a clue and have tried pretty hard to educate myself on exactly what it means to be a board member of a school system and I'm still not 100% certain of what my duties are or will be.

My first board meeting is November 18th, 2008.

1 comment:

Tammy J Fisher said...

I know you will do an outstanding job!